Cllr John Radford
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    Kerswell with Coombe District and Parish

    I first became a councillor on Newton Abbot town council in 2001. I have held roles as a school governor for Bradley Barton school and served on the independent renumeration panel for Teignbridge district council.
    After moving to Kingskerswell I joined the parish council, serving as vice chair and in 2021 I was elected as Chair. I started my career in the telecommunications industry for 40 years with GEC and BT.
    Since retirement I have devoted my time to the parish, which I have enjoyed immensely. I have been instrumental in modernising the Parish Council by Employing two staff members to support the Parish to obtain grants and manage projects such as the Jubilee gardens and changing places, accessible toilets and changing provision. Also to ensure that we continually hold both Teignbridge and District Councils to account accountable for the ongoing upkeep of our roads and services.
    I believe passionately, in the role of a councillor and the part I play in supporting parishioners.
    As a councillor today, we are even more relevant and needed than ever before and I’m proud to be part of that.
    As a keen sportsperson, I enjoy cycling, walking and other sporting activities.
    I am standing as a Teignbridge councillor because I want the parishioners to have a voice about the things that matter to them. To continue to challenge TDC on spending, development and the need for local affordable housing for the village. Housing for our young families who wish to live in the village they were born.
    I have been inspired by the integrity of the South Devon Alliance in holding TDC to account for their unacceptable behaviours and culture.

    I have listened to the residents of Kingskerswell and their message is very clear, they want to see new faces at Teignbridge. They want change.
    It is my absolute privilege to be able to stand as an independent councillor, with the South Devon Alliance and to be given the opportunity to influence change and make improvements for the better.

    Yours, Cllr John Radford