Alasdair MacGregor

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    Your SDA Candidate for Teignmouth EAST - District
    Together with Jude Chilvers

    Alasdair is not here to maintain the status quo, he will be the change residents need

    ALASDAIR MacGREGOR is one of the SDA youngest candidates. Although young he comes with a good Political pedigree, his father being a district councillor.
    He is keen for a younger representation on the council to help with engaging with the often disenfranchised and ignored youth of Teignmouth. He recently studied Computer Science in Leeds, and currently works in Newton Abbot.

    TOGETHER, Jude and Alasdair will represent the residents of Teignmouth East, putting the residents interests above their own by being “serving” rather than “self-serving”. They will oppose further developments on green field sites and look at how they can better provide for the younger generation. They will also seek to improve services and get better value for money for council tax-payers.