Ashburton & Buckfastleigh By-Election

  • 10 April 2024




    Hi, I'm Sue

    I joined South Devon Alliance last year when I saw the passion with which they were campaigning for the right of Teignbridge residents to be consulted. Overdevelopment in Newton Abbot and saveral other towns had become ruinous, with no consultation and poor – if any – response from councillors when asked to be transparent and accountable. SDA is the second-largest party at Teignbridge District Council after the Liberal Democrats and the only actual opposition, as the Conservatives have voted with the Lib Dems on EVERY key issue for the past five years. The more people SDA can get elected, the better we can all challenge the poor decisions being made by the Lib Dem majority – decisions that have negatively affected Ashburton and Buckfastleigh for years.

    The Lib Dems are failing to deliver for rural communities. Both they and the Conservatives have forgotten all about us except when it comes to parking fees and fines.The Green Party is invisible til polling day, whereas SDA fights to save our green fields, habitats and wild places all year long.



    I want both Buckfastleigh and Ashburton to have a strong voice at Teignbridge and I will battle on behalf of our towns and rural areas, insisting that we can no longer be neglected – and that more than the current 5% of the council’s budget needs to be spent in our borough to provide housing, deal with the cost of living crisis and provide currently non-existent public transport.


    Constituents tell me every day that their children can’t get to college, they can’t find jobs or affordable places to live. Teignbridge Council’s response to these issues? Make parking costs higher and employ more enforcement officers to raise the revenue they’ll waste on expensive projects in other towns. Projects that are not wanted there and deplete the funds needed here. Our towns and villages are not cash cows for the council to milk. Our small businesses and our young people need investment, opportunities and connection to the rest of the county. And it’s time for change.